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Dennis Fletcher Application

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Dennis Fletcher Application Empty Dennis Fletcher Application

Post  Dennis Fletcher Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:12 pm

Dennis Fletcher Application 4ifCO
San Andreas Sheriff's Department.
" Registration Form."

Personal Information.

First Name : Dennis.

Middle Name(s) : -

Last Name : Fletcher.

Date of Birth : 11 January 1990.

Place of Birth : Los Angeles, America.

Gender : Male.

Race : Mongoloid.

Blood Type : O.

Height : 184 cm.

Weight : 75 kg.

Address : Jefferson Motel Room 121.

Phone Number : 998899.

Education : S1 at Universitas Moshood Abiola.

Occupation : Security Guard.

Are you over the age of 20?

Do you have a valid driving's license?

Do you ever been arrested or charged with a crime activity? if you have,please explain the cronology as detailed as possible.

Tell us about your background story. ( Min : 250 words )
My name is Dennis Fletcher, commonly called Dennis. I was born on 11 January 1990 in Los Angeles, United States, and I was the second of two children of the couple John Gobin and Angelina Sheldon. When I was 10 years old, on my birthday my family went to eat Japanese restoan named Oshima who is very popular with a delicious Japanese meal, while we were eating, suddenly there came robbers who want to rob the restaurant, but unfortunately my brother shot there because he tried to run out and eventually my sister died on the spot and even then, I intend to be a defender of the truth that no one was hurt and offended. At the time I graduated high school I entered the military named Moshood Abiola University, here I go in the military for 5 years to get a bachelor's degree. And after I graduated I moved to Los Santos and here I am working as a security guard at the restaurant owned by Giovani Galuh burger. After I read the ad in the paper I knew that the sheriff department seeking employment vacancies and I was enrolled here.

Tell us why you would like to become an Officer in San Andreas Sheriff's Department. ( Min : 250 words )
Because I want to earn enough to meet my needs and my family because both my parents are old and are not able to work anymore so they are my responsibility. I also want to realize my dream to be sheriff to maintain the security and comfort of the citizens of Los Santos robbery, violence, kidnapping, rape, fraud, gambling, and became sheriff useful and respected by the citizens of Los Santos.

Sign : Dennis Fletcher.


Nama Lengkap: Ode Wahyu Suhendra.

Umur : 17.

ID forum (JG-RP) : ode.

Jam main perhari : 5jam sampai 8jam.

ID UCP JG-RP : odewahyu111.

Sebutkan semua character kamu yang sebelumnya.
John_Stewart dan Kate_Sheldon

Berapa lama anda telah bermain JG-RP?.
1 tahun lebih.

Apakah anda pernah bergabung dengan Faction official? Jika ya, Faction apa itu.
Ya, House of Republic.

Apakah anda pernah bergabung dengan Faction Government sebelumnya?Jika ya faction apa itu.
Ya, Los Santos Medical Department.

Apakah anda mengerti tentang hukum?Jika ya, Jelaskan secara singkat.
Ya, Hukum adalah semua aturan (norma) yang harus dituruti dalam tingkah laku tindakan-tindakan dalam pergaulan hidup dengan ancaman mesti mengganti kerugian jika melanggar aturan-aturan itu akan membahayakan diri sendiri atau harta, umpamanya orang akan kehilangan kemerdekaannya, didenda dan sebagainya.

Apakah anda mempunyai catatan Banned ?? Jika ya, karena apa anda di ban?
Ya, karena sewaktu saya newbie di saat mau refund saya tidak tau berapa harga asuransi kendaraan yang saya mau refund jadi saya asal sebut harga asuransinya dan saya pun di Banned dengan alas an OOClie to Admin.

Apakah anda bisa mengoprasikan Team Speak?

Apakah anda menguasai daerah San Andreas?

Dari skala 1 sampai 10 (10 terbaik),seberapa bagus skill anda dalam Roleplay?

Berikan alasan mengapa anda ingin bergabung dengan San Andreas Sheriff's Department.( Min : 200 words. )
Karena saya ingin mendalami RP sebagai SASD untuk menjadi penegak Hukum yang baik dan benar dan juga mencari teman di team SASD maupun LSPD dan LSMD. Saya juga suka dengan kepolisan karena bagi saya itu sangat gagah dan berani. Dan juga untuk mengurangi tindakan kriminal dan juga keasikan dalam RP melawan Robber, Orang yang berkendara ugal-ugalan, Gangstar atau Mafia.

Dennis Fletcher

Post : 1
Join date : 2013-04-02

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Dennis Fletcher Application Empty Re: Dennis Fletcher Application

Post  Aethelhard_McBarrent Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:37 pm

Dennis Fletcher Application 2w3bF
From Training and Recruitment's Offices,
San Andreas Sheriff Departement

Dear Mr. / Ms. Fletcher
We'd like to inform you that your application has been ACCEPTED by the San Andreas Sheriff Departement. Please complete your interview through TeamSpeak to proceed with the next steps. Use the following format as your TeamSpeak name. [Your name] [SASD Interview], ex: Aethelhard McBarrent [SASD Interview].


SASD Training & Recruitment Team

Post : 39
Join date : 2012-07-29
Age : 26
Location : Mampang,pondok karya,blok e 12,jaksel

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